Karlstad University (KAU)


Karlstad - The Student city

Karlstad has enjoyed the reputation of being a friendly and hospitable city for a long time. With the proverbial sun and an expanding and innovative university, Karlstad now ranks as one of the best student cities in Sweden.

Every tenth person in Karlstad is a university student. You can tell. In a short time Karlstad has transformed from an ordinary city into a student city offering a wide range of culture, entertainment, sports and shopping. Students say that it is a very relaxed place to be a student in. A small city with the attractions of a big city.

The City of Karlstad likes its students. Just as the University, Karlstad wants to grow and advance into the future. This is why it is important for the city to take good care of the young people who come here to study. The autumn semester starts with a welcome party for all new students. The City of Karlstad and the University invite new students to an evening with dancing and good concerts for free.


There wasn't always a university in Karlstad. Fact is, we became a university in 1999. But there is a long tradition of higher education in Karlstad. There's been teacher education here since 1843, and it goes on to this day.

Master’s programs

Karlstad University also offers 22 Master programes in different subjects (Such as, Information Technology, Business Administration, Media and Communication, and Engineering). For more information, have a look at kau.se/en.

[from https://www.kau.se]

RealMathsKAU Coordinator

Adrian Muntean
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Karlstad University
Adrian MunteanProfessor in Mathematicsadrian.muntean@kau.se

My experience in a double degree program in Karlstad

CIDD-award winning video from our graduate student, Edgardo Luna

RealMaths Double MSc Degree :: Year 2 in Karlstad


Karlstad University



ECTS Credits




Degrees conferred

MSc Mathematical Engineering (UAQ)
MSc Mathematics (KAU)

Semester 1

ECTS Credits: 7.5   |   Semester: 1   |   Year: 2   |   Programme: Double Degrees   |   Campus: Karlstad University   |   Language: English

Semester 2

ECTS Credits: 30   |   Semester: 2   |   Year: 2   |   Programme: Double Degrees   |   Campus: Karlstad University   |   Language: English

RealMaths Double Degree Consortium

InterMaths Network
A network of 12 European Universities, coordinated by Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at University of L'Aquila in Italy (UAQ)