Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University (ONU)


Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University is one of the oldest in Ukraine. Here you can get acquainted with a reach history of the university and current multifaceted educational, scientific and social work of its numerous team of teachers, research fellows and students.

The university is a classical establishment of higher education of a European type. It trains specialists in main spheres of natural and human sciences. Nowadays, in the ΧΧΙ c., Ukraine faces a new political and economical reality. Taking this into account, we settled down to training specialists of management, foreign relations, political science, social science, international economical affairs, journalism, microbiology and other modern professions.

The work of the University is recognized by European educational and scientific centers. It is a member of the Association of European Universities and The International Association of Universities. ONU constantly takes part in the work of international organizations on the subject of the higher education. Hundreds of foreign students receive education within the walls of ONU. 

I believe sincerely that collaboration with our university will help you to find a worthful place in the society, to reach the highest results in your professional activity as a scientist, a teacher, a social or a political figure.

International relations is one among the most effective tools for the successful implementation of basic tasks of the university. The level of international scientific, academic and cultural activities of the university were always considered as the most important indicators of its prestige and social significance.

Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University is one of the leading Ukrainian university in the sphere of internationalization of education sector which during 150 years has been conducted a successful international cooperation at the regional and global levels.

Our university is one of the first In Ukraine which became a member of the European University Association, the World Association of Universities, Member of the Supervisory Board of Magna Charta, one of the basic members of the Eurasian Association of Universities, it is a member of the Black Sea Universities Network, the Danube Rectors Conference and many other international organizations.

We are involved in over than 40 projects financed by international academic and educational programs (Horizon 2020, FP7, Erasmus, TEMPUS, Jean Monnet, UNESCO, INTAS, HERMES, CRDF, EU cross-border cooperation, etc.).

Today our university supports bilateral contractual relationship with 165 scientific and academic institutions from 39 countries and fruitfully cooperate with 17 diplomatic representatives from foreign countries accredited in Odessa and Kiev.

Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University has 10 linguistic and cultural centers of foreign countries and 8 foreign teachers who contribute greatly into the teaching of foreign languages.

Every year hundreds of students, graduate students, researchers and lecturers of Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University go abroad for studying, training, teaching, for joint scientific researches and participation in international conferences.

At the same time every year ONU is visited by numerous foreign guests, including outstanding scientists, Ministers of Culture and Foreign Affairs, Ambassadors, famous people from dozens of countries.

Since Odessa I.I.Mechnikov National University foundation in 1865 it has conducted training for foreigners, that later became prominent scientists, artists, celebrities and members of foreign governments (Bulgaria, Vietnam, Greece, China, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Serbia, USA, France and others). Today institutes and faculties of the University train hundreds of students from 27 countries.

[source http://onu.edu.ua/en/geninfo/rector]

RealMaths Coordinator atONU

Head of the Office for International Relations, ONU
Yurii HRINCHENKOD.Sc. Professor

RealMathsDeputy Coordinator at ONU

Yevhen Strakhov
Deputy dean for specialties Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Yevhen StrakhovProfessor, Deputy Dean

InterMaths Double Degree Coordinator atONU

Nataliya Vaisfel’d
Head of the Chair of methods of mathematical physics, ONU
Nataliya Vaisfel’dProfessor in physical and mathematical sciences

International MSc RealMathsPartner Universities

InterMaths Network
A network of +20 European and non-European Universities, coordinated by Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at University of L'Aquila in Italy (UAQ)