University of Aveiro (UA)


Created in 1973, the University of Aveiro (UA) quickly became one of the most dynamic and innovative universities in Portugal. Now a public foundation under private law, it continues to develop and implement its mission to provide undergraduate and postgraduate education, to generate research and promote cooperation with society. Attended by about 13,700 students on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, the UA has achieved a significant position amongst higher education institutions in Portugal, being one of the top universities regarding the quality of its infrastructures, the strength of its research and the excellence of its staff.

The UA is a highly regarded institution of research led education, constituted by university departments, research units, polytechnic schools, interface units, and a vocational education network. Its integrated structure permits the articulation and harmonisation of the teaching and research environments, and enables the construction of individual educational paths, from post-secondary technological specialisation programmes to doctoral degrees. Teaching activities are developed in a research-based environment, and throughout the academic year, dozens of national and international conferences are organised, generating a dynamic and multicultural atmosphere for students and staff.

Since 1998, UAVR integrates the European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) [], a leading international cluster of research-intensive universities, with a collective emphasis on innovation, creativity, and societal impact driving the development of a knowledge-based economy. Each member institution shares a number of distinctive characteristics with a strong commitment to innovation and applied research, with close links to industry partners.

RealMathsUA Coordinator

Vasile Staicu
Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
Vasile StaicuProfessor in Mathematics[email protected]

RealMathsDeputy UA Coordinator

José Alexandre da Rocha Almeida
Department of Mathematics, University of Aveiro
José Alexandre da Rocha AlmeidaAssociate Professor[email protected]

RealMaths International MSc Degree :: Year 2 in Aveiro


University of Aveiro



ECTS Credits




Degrees conferred

MSc Mathematical Engineering (UAQ)
MSc Mathematics (UA)

Semester 1

ECTS Credits: 6   |   Semester: 1   |   Year: 2   |      |   Campus: University of Aveiro   |   Language: English

Semester 2

ECTS Credits: 48   |   Semester: 2   |   Year: 2   |      |   Campus: University of Aveiro   |   Language: English

Additional info:

Students of the master in Mathematics and Applications of the University of Aveiro may execute the thesis in three contexts:

  • “dissertation” - the traditional format where the problem is academic with/without real applications;
  • “projeto” - the problem is proposed by a company and fits in the scope of the master but the host is UA;
  • “estágio” - similar to “projeto” but the student do a internship at a company solving a real problem.

We have agreements/partnerships with companies of several areas of activities as Finances, Industry, Health, Services, Technology; ranging from innovative start-ups to well-known international cooperations. There is also the possibility of applying to a scientific grant in those scenarios, supported by CIDMA, FCT, or projects P2020 and supervised by a professor of the Math Department.

International MSc RealMaths ■ Partner Universities

InterMaths Network
A network of +20 European and non-European Universities, coordinated by Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at University of L'Aquila in Italy (UAQ)