2024 Blended Intensive Programme (B.I.P.) in Mathematical Modelling

L'Aquila, June - July 2024


The 2024 Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) in Mathematical Modelling involves a set of short courses addressed to MSc and PhD students of the InterMaths Network and the EULiST European Alliance. It is activated by the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L'Aquila in cooperation with the INGV and the GSSI.
The 2024 BIP in Mathematical Modelling is part of the education and training programme under the NATIONAL CENTRE FOR HPC, BIG DATA AND QUANTUM COMPUTING. 

The programme will revolve around applied mathematics viewed as an interdisciplinary area at the interface with engineering, physics, economy, geology, biology and social sciences.

Suitable Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing techniques will be introduced in all three curricula.

Each curriculum will consist of:

  • An online preparatory module in the period June 24 - 28, 2024, 15 hours with three mini-courses related to these preliminary subjects: introduction to PDEs, AI and HPC.

  • And in-presence week in the period July 8 - 12, 2024 with in-presence courses, training AI-HPC lab. sessions and final project activity.

Organising committee

  • Federica Di Michele (INGV - National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology)

  • Simone Fagioli (UnivAQ - Univerisiy of L'Aquila)

  • Donato Pera (UnivAQ - Univerisiy of L'Aquila)

  • Bruno Rubino (UnivAQ - Univerisiy of L'Aquila)

All the students who wish to join our BIP must be currently enrolled in an MSc or PhD course in one of the following disciplines:

  • Mathematics

  • Applied mathematics

  • Physics and Geophysics

  • Engineering

  • Geology

  • Or similar subjects.

Courses will focus on these topics: Earthquake engineering, Computational Seismology, Geology, Pedestrian movement modelling, Epidemiology, Opinion dynamics, Earth observation and Climate models.

The participation of students and teachers will be supported by the
new Erasmus short mobility scholarship and Erasmus Staff or Teaching Mobility scholarship. 


Aysegul Askan. Middle East Technical University, (Turkey). Recent studies on the use of ground motion simulations for seismic resilience of urban areas

Nick Brown. University of Edinburgh, (UK). UrgentHPC: Combining HPC, data and in-situ visualisation for near real-time disaster response

Josè Alfredo Canizo. University of Granada, (Spain). Introducion to mathematical models for neuron dynamics

Emanuele Casarotti.National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology, (Italy). Adjoint seismic tomography from local to global scale

Felisia Angela Chiarello. University of L’Aquila, (Italy). Different approaches for traffic flow modelling

Gianluca Favre. University of Wien, (Austria). Modelling opinion formation on coevolving networks

Olga-Joan Ktenidou. Natioal Observatory of Athens – NOA Institutes of Geodynamics, (Greece). Soil and rock: how do they affect seismic shaking, hazards and buildings?

Sara Marzella. CINECA , (Italy). Introduction to quantum computing

Ngoc Thanh Nguyen. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, (Norway). Assuring data quality for real-time ocean observation system

Massimiliano Daniele Rosini. University "G. D’Annunzio" Chieti-Pescara, (Italy). Microscopic and macroscopic models in vehicular and pedestrian flows

Andrea Rovida. National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology, (Italy). Historical seismicity and earthquake catalogues

Francesco Visini. National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology, (Italy). From Primer concepts to new challenges in modern PSHA at National and local scale

Schedule - This section is under construction

June 27, 2024

Online Welcome

Online introductury meeting 11:00 am (GMT+2)

June 27, 2024

July 1-5, 2024

Online Module

Online preparatory module, 15 hours with mini-courses

July 8 - 12, 2024

On-campus Week

In-presence week courses, training AI-HPC lab. sessions and final project activity.

July 8 - 12, 2024

On-line Week schedule 

Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5

11:00 - 13:00

Introduction to AI and Machine Learning

Introduction to AI and Machine Learning

Introduction to HPC

Introduction to HPC
Introduction to Reaction-Diffusion equations

14:00 - 16:00

Introduction to Reaction-Diffusion equations

On-campus Week schedule 

Monday 8
Tuesday 9
Wednesday 10
Thursday 11
Friday 12








Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break
Lunch break

Project introduction

Students project


Students project
Students project

Students project


Palazzo Camponeschi, Conference room, University of L'Aquila

Located in what was historically considered the political heart of the City of L'Aquila, with the presence of Palazzo Margherita and the Palazzetto dei Nobili in the area, Palazzo Camponeschi is the central headquarters of the Rectorate, the General Directorate, and the Central Administration of the University of L'Aquila. More information can be found here. 

Getting there

How to reach L'Aquila

By plane

The closest airports are in Rome (Fiumicino Airport https://www.adr.it/fiumicino & Ciampino Airport https://www.adr.it/ciampino) and in Pescara (Aeroporto d’Abruzzo http://www.abruzzoairport.com/). From Ciampino and Fiumicino there are direct bus connections to l’Aquila (you can see timetable and fares here http://www.gasparionline.it/ or Flixbus).

By train/bus

Since L’Aquila railway station is not well connected, we suggest to arrive to the stations of Rome or Giulianova (if you travel on the East coast along the Adriatic sea). There are direct bus connections from the stations of Roma Tiburtina and Giulianova to the Bus Terminal Collemaggio in L'Aquila city center  (see http://www.tuabruzzo.it) and to the bus stop  SS17 - Amiternum ( see http://www.tuabruzzo.it, http://www.gasparionline.it/ and https://www.flixbus.it/). 

By car

L'Aquila is connected with the A24 Rome - Teramo highway, consider the exit L'Aquila Ovest for the conference venue, L'Aquila Est for the city center.

From Rome: take the A24 highway from Roma Est.
From Naples or Florence: it is possible to take the A24 from the A1 at Rome, using the highway link from the south or north.
From Bologna: coming from the A14, take the Teramo - Giulianova exit, then the freeway to Teramo, where you can join the A24.
From Bari or Pescara: Take the A25 from Pescara, exit at Bussi and follow the signs for L'Aquila SS17.



Students from our partner Institutions will be supported by the new Erasmus short mobility scholarship. Please contact your International Relations Office once you filled out the form at the link below.


Questions? Drops us a line


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