MathMods Joint MSc

Mathematical Modelling in Engineering:
Theory, Numerics, Applications

Semester 1Theory @ UAQ, Italy

Semester 2Numerics @ UHH, Germany

Semester 3Applications @ one Partner

Semester 4Thesis @ one Partner

2 years (120 ECTS)
Full time
Degree type
Joint MSc

L'Aquila (Italy), Granada (Spain), Hamburg (Germany), Hannover (Germany), Nice (France)

What is MathMods

MathMods is a Joint Master's programme in Mathematical Modelling in Engineering run by 5 EU universities: University of L'Aquila (Italy), University of Granada (Spain), University of Hamburg (Germany), Leibniz University Hannover (Germany) and University of Côte d'Azur (Nice, France).
MathMods is aimed at satisfying the need of experts that may be able to apply rigorous mathematical modelling and computational techniques to solve problems in all areas of engineering.

Mobility scheme

What makes MathMods so special is its peculiar mobility scheme, which will enable you to spend your graduate years in 2 or even 3 different EU countries. You'll be indeed studying in central Italy (L'Aquila) for your Semester1, then head for Hamburg (Germany) for Semester2, and finally make your way again to 1 of our 5 partners for your Year2, depending on the mobility path you'll be assigned.

mathmods gran sasso

Joint Master's Degree

Students are awarded a Joint or Double MSc Degree, depending on where they spend their Year2. For instance, if you spend your Semester2 in Hamburg and your Year2 in L’Aquila, you will be awarded a joint degree by L’Aquila, Hamburg and Nice.

Funding opportunities

Since its establishement in 2008 MathMods was funded by the EU Commission firstly through the Erasmus Mundus programme action 1 A, and later through the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 programme, which covered the Programme until completion of the 2017 cohort (i.e. September 2019). For the 2022 intake students may benefit from several funding opportunies available in our partner universities, including Erasmus+, special fund by the Italian Ministry of Education known as Fondo Giovani as well as local grants by the Abruzzo Region.


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InterMaths Network
A network of +20 European and non-European Universities, coordinated by Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at University of L'Aquila in Italy (UAQ)