

SeisMath 2017

SeisMath 2017

Mathematical Models in Seismology

Venue: G.S.S.I. (Gran Sasso Science Institute), L'Aquila - Italy

Dates: 26 - 30 June, 2017

Organizers: Federica Di Michele, Pierangelo Marcati, Bruno Rubino



Earthquakes occur nearly constantly around Europe in countries like Italy, the Balkan States, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey. But earthquakes can occur almost anywhere. Italy is a well-known complex territory as far as earthquakes are concerned. Being the result of a collision between Africa and Europe, Italy is highly fractured and broken up into microplates moving all around, which creates a lot of different types of fault action.
An earthquake measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale and 6.3 in the moment magnitude scale hit L'Aquila on April 6th, 2009. There have been a large number of minor tremors since December 2008. Along with the stories of tragedy in L'Aquila, there are also stories that the earthquake was predicted, and that the predictions were ignored. Earthquake prediction remains an elusive goal of seismology. Earthquake source mechanisms are complex and involve many variables and factors. Earthquake prediction can be divided into long-, medium- and short-term phases. The short-term prediction of earthquakes has considerable allure. However, it is beset by problems. Although earthquakes are complex multi-scale phenomena, we now have much better models for earthquake nucleation and rupture processes, associated phenomena such as tsunamis, and tools with which earthquakes can be carefully studied from both deterministic and statistical points of view.
The Summer School called "Mathematical Models in Seismology - SeisMath 2017" will consist of a set of short courses and seminars. Contributors will take into account methods, modelling and simulations related to above mentioned aspects of seismology. Although the need for newly developed mathematical modelling within seismology is very strong, its clear identification as an interdisciplinary research/training context at a European level is still in progress. This programme aims to provide a relevant contribution to this process by exploiting the scientific competencies of the speakers. The short courses will be taught by physicians, geologists, engineers and mathematicians.The programme is addressed mainly to MSc and PhD students in Applied Mathematics.



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