Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM)
InterMaths · Interdisciplinary Mathematics
// InterMaths EMJM
Years: 2;
Credits: 120 ECTS;
Where: Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Spain;
Study mode: full-time;
Degree type: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master;
.Consortium Scholarships
Numbers: TBD;
Type Partial fee waiver;
Contribution: up to 15,000 EUR;
Deadline: March 5, 2025 at 1 pm CEST

Applications 2025 open for the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master “InterMaths”

Midterms Schedule - Semester 1 2024

2024 Selection List for InterMaths EMJMD, MathMods and RealMaths
#About InterMaths EMJM;
“InterMaths – Interdisciplinary Mathematics” is a 2-Year full-time Erasmus Mundus Joint Master in Mathematical Modelling and Simulation with interdisciplinary applications, with a special focus on biomedical Sciences and industrial engineering. It is run by five European Universities:
- University of L’Aquila (UAQ) - Coordinating Institution
- Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
- Vienna University of Technology (TUW)
- Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
- University of Côte d'Azur in Nice (UniCA)
“InterMaths” prepares for a career in research as well as in private enterprises, in particular in industrial engineering, manufacturing, pharmaceutics, and biomedical industry. Our study-plans develop mathematical skills that are relevant to a broad range of interdisciplinary fields:
- Mathematical modelling,
- Scientific computing,
- Control and optimization,
- Stochastic modelling,
- Image processing methods.
Our programme is designed to meet the demand of advanced research in European enterprises and provides - at the same time - a unique, integrated, European advanced joint programme in Applied Mathematics in line with innovative domains in science and technology.
The “InterMaths Consortium” made up of the above five Universities has been awarded the Erasmus Mundus label by the European Commission for the 2020-2024 period.
#Programme Structure
Our mobility scheme: 6 specializations on modern societal challenges
InterMaths students follow the mobility path sketched below:
Semester 1
Year 2
A second year of Interdisciplinary training in one of the five partner universities, devoted to one of our six specialization tracks:
These specialization paths have been designed on grounds of the fields of expertise of the five reference groups, often with links with groups in the same institutions from other applied disciplines. Most importantly, they address innovative methodologies and deal with societal challenges in nowadays society, in particular in medicine and in industry.
The mobility paths are assigned to the new cohort students at the beginning of the 2-year period. We try as much as possible to satisfy the students’ preferences. The mobility scheme is sketched in the following section.