National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS)


Kumasi, Ghana

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST)

ℝealMaths – Mathematics for Real World Applications develops brilliant young Africans (Ghanaians) into renowned scientists with excellent problem-solving skills, capable of creative and independent thinking and innovative technological methodologies. It is a Graduate training, research and public engagement relating to the application of mathematical science.


Provides state-of-the-art training in a broad overview of cutting-edge science/engineering and computing.

Equips Africa’s brightest students to apply their scientific and technical knowledge to real-world challenges and problems to transform all diverse aspects of socio-economic and industrial sectors (private or public businesses, governmental/non-governmental organisations, and civil society).

Enables Africa’s brightest students to become innovators that propel and drive the continent’s scientific, educational and economic self-sufficiency.

Develops and intensifies the multidisciplinary knowledge of Africa’s brightest students to complement laboratory/fieldwork and experimental prototypes.

Enables student mobility (exchange) and joint supervision across continents.

This program is bound to increase efficiency and effectiveness in all walks of life, given the recent world-wide exponential increase in computation.


Henry Martin
Dept. of Physics
Henry MartinPostgraduate Coordinator & Assistant Examination Officer, Dept. of Physics[email protected]


Talented students with strong mathematics and computing backgrounds.

Passionate students determined to apply RealMaths in science and engineering-related fields.

Strong leadership skills and interests in pursuing careers for the development of Ghana (Africa).

Each semester of the programme will be offered either separately or jointly by the partners. In cases where the students spend a particular semester at any of the partners separately, a minimum of 30 ECTS credits is required. Sketched are the pathways at KNUST and NIMS either onsite or online with other partners in Europe. In cases where the students are to join an online class from any partner, professors at the onsite Institution offer their support.

KNUST - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi succeeded the University of Science and Technology (UST) by an act of Parliament, Act 559 of 1998. However, UST was formerly known as the Kumasi College of Technology which was established by a Government Ordinance on 6th October, 1951. It was however, opened officially on 22nd January, 1952 with 200 Teacher Training students transferred from Achimota. With tremendous growth of students and academic programmes KNUST in January 2005 transformed from its previous centralized system of administration into significantly decentralized one called the Collegiate system (3-Tier Academic/Administrative Structure). This System operates with the Offices of the Provosts of Colleges, Deans of Faculties and Heads of Departments. KNUST is now fundamentally structured into six Colleges.

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The Department of Physics is under the Faculty of Physical and Computational Sciences (FPCS) which is under the College of Science (CoS). The Department of Physics is located on approximately one and a half acre compound and a close neighbour to the Aboagye Menyeh Science Complex Block. The Department is poised to be the premier Department in the College of Science of this University, Africa and the World. The department is envisioned as an international center for advanced research and as a foundation for developing scientific capability in Ghana, Africa and the World, with a focus on the importance of science development. Read More: 

About the programme

The Department joined the InterMaths Network: RealMaths Double Degree Programme with the sole purpose of offering an interdisciplinary Masters and Doctoral programmes in Mathematical and Computational Physics (MCP). This equips students with far-reaching knowledge and understanding to solve real life problems faced in industries and companies with cutting-edge research experience from student mobility and joint supervision across continents.

The programmes has five (5) paths
1. Condensed Matter Physics
2. Smart Renewable Energy
3. Hydrogeological Modelling
4. Space Physics Modelling
5. Medical/Biomedical Physics Modelling


NIMS - National Institute for Mathematical Sciences

The National Institute for Mathematical Sciences (NIMS), Ghana currently hosted at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) is a young institute setup up by the Committee of all vice chancellors in Ghana. The mandate of the institute is to create an environment for stronger collaborations in mathematical Sciences among its members mainly constituted from all Mathematics Departments in both Public and Private Universities in Ghana. The Institute’s objective is to establish cutting edge postgraduate research programs that expose students to modernized technologies and concepts in interdisciplinary areas of specialization using centres of excellence located in its member Universities within Ghana.

The institute in 2013 established its first center for Scientific and Technical Computing. The center runs an interdisciplinary Postgraduate programme in Scientific Computing and industrial Modeling (SCIM). The center provides an intellectually stimulating environment where students and faculties work on projects that catalyzes technological growth and delivers innovation-driven solutions to new trends of interdisciplinary research.


About the programme

The NIMS Center for Scientific and Technical computing which was originally founded by NIMS­ Ghana in collaboration with the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters with funding from Petroleum Geo­Services. The center currently offers interdisciplinary Masters and Doctoral programmes in Scientific Computing and Industrial Modelling (SCIM).

The programme equips students with a strong foundation in Scientific and Technical Computing as well as industrial modelling allowing them to utilize cutting edge Mathematical concepts and state ­of ­the ­art computing resources to deliver cost­ effective technology solutions. 

The programme provides an intellectually stimulating environment where students and faculties have the potential to develop their skills and explore specific application areas, such as reservoir modelling and simulation, Information retrieval and data mining, Computational fluid dynamics, bio­ mathematical modelling, artificial intelligence, data Analytics and visualization, high performance computing, imaging science, computer vision and others.

While theory in both Mathematics and Computing Science is of the highest consideration, at the core of its design is the opportunity for students to have practical experience with real industrial problems through NIMS GHANA Collaborations.


Useful information

A flight from the Kotoka International Airport to Kumasi Airport. The campus (centre) is easily reached by public transport (taxis or buses) from the Kumasi Airport. The University is situated approximately on a sixteen square-kilometre campus of undulating land and pleasant surroundings, about seven kilometres away from the central business district of the city of Kumasi.

We believe that although studying is a major part of your life here on campus, there should be times to have fun and a cool head to reflect on good things and times of your life here on campus. Outside the classroom there are a number of activities (including cinema, shopping, sports such as karate, chess, swimming volleyball, basketball, cinema and many others) students can engage in. Therefore KNUST has made arrangements so that your dedicated time for social life is also made very comfortable and full of enjoyment.

Students' social life on the campus is organized by the Junior Common Room Committees, which also act as liaison between the student body and the Hall authorities in their Halls. The Students' Representative Council (SRC), whose executive is appointed from campus-wide elections, is responsible for the coordination of the activities of the various Junior Common Room Committees. There are also Department, Faculty and College societies, which provide extracurricular activities for junior members. NIMS - Gh, located on KNUST is associated with various Departments and Colleges based on the interdisciplinary research.

Ghana, the gate to Africa is at the West of Africa. Ghana is a tropical country. The South Western part is located within the warm wet forest zone similar to the Amazon. Accra, the capital, is located in the dry equatorial zones. Kumasi is in the wet savanna. It lies between 4° and 11 ° North at the equator and has a coastline of 540 km. Ghana has a unique, rich and diverse natural, culture and historic attraction. These includes castles, canopy walkways, rivers, waterfalls, lakes, beaches, mountains, landscapes and others

Detailed information about residence available at KNUST be can be found here:

With some other Private Hotels

KNUST and its neighbouring suburbs have amazingly diverse kinds of restaurants serving up selections of local and international cuisine to the university community. You'll find plenty of variety and convenience with over 30 dining locations in and around campus. If it’s about food, KNUST has more than enough to offer everyone. The Dining halls of the six halls of residence offer a variety of dishes and snacks at affordable prices to students. Junior Common Room snack bars can also be found in all the halls. Most restaurants around campus offer room services to students. Your pizza, chips and chicken, banku or jollof rice is just a call away







International MSc RealMaths ■ Partner Universities

InterMaths Network
A network of +20 European and non-European Universities, coordinated by Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at University of L'Aquila in Italy (UAQ)