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2024 Selection List for InterMaths EMJMD, MathMods and RealMaths

2024 Selection List for InterMaths EMJMD, MathMods and RealMaths

The Evaluation Committee of the InterMaths Network (involving InterMaths EMJMD, MathMods Joint MSc and RealMaths Double MSc) has just completed the evaluation of the applications for the 2024 cohort.

The results are available in this file.

The list includes 21 EMJMD (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree) scholarships for Partner Countries applicants (counting specific targeted regions, too) as well as 3 Programme Countries scholarships.

We would like to remind all applicants about the so-called "geographical-balance rule", based on which no more than 3 candidates with the same nationality can be awarded an EMJMD scholarship.

Please note that:

  • If you are on the "main list", that means you have been awarded an Erasmus Mundus (EMJMD) scholarship to enrol in the InterMaths EMJMD programme. In the next few days, you are going to receive an email with detailed instructions on what to do to confirm your position. Please do not contact us until you receive further information from us via email.
  • If you are on the reserve/waiting list for an EMJMD scholarship, that means you are eligible to enrol in InterMaths EMJMD as a self-funded student on a Consortium Scholarship and, depending on your ranking, you might receive an EMJMD scholarship if any applicant on the main list should reject our offer at any time before the program begins. Either way, you will soon receive further information from us via email about that.
  • All the other applicants on the list are also eligible for enrolment in RealMaths Double MSc and/or MathMods Joint MSc (please check the related column next to your application ID no.). Either way, you will soon receive additional information via email about those programmes, how to apply, funding opportunities, etc. As such candidates are not eligible for the InterMaths EMJMD program, they will find the "N/A" acronym (not applicable) in the column referring to the waiting list for InterMaths EMJMD scholarships.
  • If your ID number is not on the lists, unfortunately, that means that you are in the non-selected list, hence you're ineligible for enrolment. This doesn't necessarily mean that your application was not good enough (by the way, we have received 1340 applications), but that it was given a ranking lower than the one given to other applicants before you on the list. In actual fact, the European Agency (EACEA) only allows us to have a relatively limited number of eligible students in the reserve list, mainly because the number of scholarships is quite limited, and it would be no use to have such a long waiting list.


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InterMaths Network
A network of 12 European Universities, coordinated by Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at University of L'Aquila in Italy (UAQ)