Italian for Absolute Beginners
- Code: DT0889
- Unit Coordinator: Roberta Antonetti
- Programme: Pre Master's Foundation
- ECTS Credits: 3
- Taught hours: 18
- Year: 1
- Campus: University of L'Aquila
- Language: English, Italian
- Delivery: Online
- Content:
- countries, nationalities and languages;
- family and friends;
- feelings and emotions;
- food and drink;
- interests, sports and activities;
- jobs;
- numbers (cardinal, ordinal);
- time expressions e.g. telling the time,
dates, days of the week, months, seasons;
- travel and transport;GRAMMAR SYLLABUS
- Sounds and spelling;
- nouns: gender, number;
- definite article / indefinite article;
- adjectives;
- formal address;
- subject pronouns;
- simple prepositions;
- interrogatives;
- present tense of the most common irregular verbs;
- present tense of regular verbs.